Chemical Toxicity Forever Chemicals By Toni Cairns
Some information and website links related to chemical toxicity , especially titanium dioxide and PFA's . In the news recently many articles have discussed titanium dioxide E171 , a food additive . I recall many years ago people discussing the problems caused with eating foods with additives especially colourings and high amounts of added refined sugars, yet many of us without really understanding the main health concerns continued to do so. We supposedly somehow believed the large corporations to be responsible enough, so that they would not accidentally sell us foods and drinks for consumption that may contain toxic amounts of chemicals ? It's only now in 2022 that I am becoming more and more aware that these big corporations appear to care very little about their consumers and, that is if they care at all about anyone other than themselves. Our world does not yet have an official regulatory organisation body or Government that ensures we are all able to eat and drink in ...