Chemical Toxicity Forever Chemicals By Toni Cairns
Some information and website links related to chemical toxicity, especially titanium dioxide and PFA's.
In the news recently many articles have discussed titanium dioxide E171, a food additive. I recall many years ago people discussing the problems caused with eating foods with additives especially colourings and high amounts of added refined sugars, yet many of us without really understanding the main health concerns continued to do so. We supposedly somehow believed the large corporations to be responsible enough, so that they would not accidentally sell us foods and drinks for consumption that may contain toxic amounts of chemicals?
It's only now in 2022 that I am becoming more and more aware that these big corporations appear to care very little about their consumers and, that is if they care at all about anyone other than themselves.
Our world does not yet have an official regulatory organisation body or Government that ensures we are all able to eat and drink in satisfactory ways, maybe with globalisation this will eventually come about, let's hope so.
After all, the world has just invested in preventing Covid-19, and then compare the amount of people who die each year globally from hunger and starvation to Covid-19, the number is about 10 million, it's difficult to comprehend why we do not do more globally to look after our fellow man? Those 10 million per year! And maybe again it's large corporations and all about profit and money making, even when those sit amongst the wealth of billions of £'s, these massive amounts of money they cannot possibly spend in a lifetime, amounts of money that could look after generations and generations of their families to come.
But they overlook the bigger picture. What if their greediness is not going to leave a world in which generations to come are able to survive? Because large corporations through greed and lack of compassion have poisoned water supplies, by dumping chemicals unsafely by not following what regulations were in place, or because they ensured they took control of what regulations had been in place and carelessly didn't give a f*ck about other people? Why would a large corporation want to be held responsible for chemical toxicity? Did the individuals think the old "I won't be here you don't be there" so we don't need to care about the entire situation? How did that ever come about amongst human beings? Reckless selfishness and disregard for our fellow human mankind.
I suppose through history we can see how as a human race or humankind we have learned and changed and adapted, and so now I call for more change and greater adaptation for all of us. This is no longer something that can be said is the plot of the little man, the man who doesn't have much and is only trying to take what the wealthier man has, it's far bigger than anything like that. Now it's about tomorrow and it's about the survival of the human race. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's not the greed of the little man versus the big man or vice versa. Because at the end of the day no one will win through greed. There really is only one way forward for our world if we human beings wish to carry on with our existence. You see, planet Earth does not require humans, we are not a requirement of the planet for the planet to survive, but I should imagine most people wish to remain part of planet Earth's survival, we have an innate built in sense to carry on living to survive. Just like a bitch dog who has a phantom pregnancy because deep within her soul nature intended her to have puppies. We naturally tend to want to reproduce.
So back to titanium dioxide and chemical toxicity.
New Jersey Department of Health published
"Chronic Health Effects
The following chronic (long-term) health effects can occur at some time after exposure to Titanium Dioxide and can last for months or years:
Cancer Hazard
Titanium Dioxide may be a CARCINOGEN in humans since it has been shown to cause lung cancer in animals.
Many scientists believe there is no safe level of exposure to a carcinogen. Such substances may also have the potential for causing reproductive damage in humans.
Reproductive Hazard
According to the information presently available to the New Jersey Department of Health, Titanium Dioxide has not been tested for its ability to affect reproduction." published...
"Has titanium dioxide been banned?"
Though the regulated use of titanium dioxide in food products is legal in the U.S. and Canada, it's banned in some other countries, notably throughout Europe. In May 2021, the European Food Safety Authority announced that titanium dioxide "can no longer be considered safe as a food additive."
Other past stories were published relating to the safety of sunscreen products which contain titanium dioxide, mostly these stories were concluded with the harm caused by them is less than the sum of people saved from skin cancer from using these products, compared to if people didn't use these products.
This reminds me of a book called Hidden Persuaders published in the 1960's.
Euronews Rosie Frost reported on 4/05/2022 that scientists have said that "chemical pollution has already crossed a planetary boundary"
Rachel Salvidge reported in The Guardian on 25th March 2021 that "The UK government is not testing drinking water for a group of toxic manmade chemicals linked to a range of diseases including cancers,..." and "Known collectively as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), or forever chemicals” because they are designed never to break down in the environment,...".
Alex Spencer reported for Cambridge Independent on 8th Feb 2022 that "Toxic chemicals have been discovered in an area that supplies Cambridgeshire drinking water…". And furthermore that "Cambridge Water did not inform customers about the finding…". Local Conservative MP Anthony Browne said "Affected residents should be compensated and Cambridge Water should face the consequences."
Further reports on 23/02/2022 relating to toxic Water in Cambridgeshire included the BBC News article 'Cambridge Water: Council knew of toxic water claim six days before residents'.
Further associated with chemical toxicity is a TV news and documentary series released by NatGeo called Parched in 2017. This series swiftly brings home the seriousness of chemical toxicity related to human consumption of drinking water supplies. It's a scary world we live in when we have to consider the harsh reality of billionaire corporations who just simply do not care about the little people, or just do not care about people full stop!
Drinking Water Supplies Global
National geographic news and documentary 4 part TV series released in 2017 called "Parched" investigates and explores issues and concerns with humanities water supplies in various states across the globe. NatGeo brings the question to the table who truly is responsible for and controls our water supplies?
First episode "Privatisation" looks at drought played California and shady backroom deals.
Second episode "Sacrificial Waters" looks at how "billion-dollar industries use money and manipulation in exchange for a free pass to poison our waterways and precious underground reserves".
Third episode "Wall Street Wars" "expose the mega-banks who are buying up and cashing in on water as they create a budding new industry benefiting an elite few".
Fourth episode "Global Water Conflict" "reveals alarming near-future scenarios as water wars become a reality, and countries stake their claim on the next freshwater frontiers: Antarctica and Greenland".
I wrote this blog just last week and today hear in the news that now our rain water even contains forever chemicals!!!
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