CBT Self Help and Recommendations

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 

One of the most important factors in physical, psychological and physiological health care is understanding the importance of engaging in human social interactions.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. 

CBT aims to help people become aware of when they make negative interpretations in their thinking processes, and when they carry out behavioral patterns which reinforce their distorted thinking. 

CBT is a practical problem-solving approach. By recognising problem areas, talking therapies help people develop alternative ways of thinking and behaving which aims to reduce their psychological distress and change the way they feel.  


Speak to a qualified healthcare professional of you feel CBT could benefit your mental health and overall well being. 

Local NHS services maybe available in your area that you can do a self referral for help. 

Fur example in Suffolk, UK we have the well being service. 

Many great books available and lots of information online for self learning. 

We have the power inside ourselves to change our ways of thinking and behaviour, we just have to spend some time out practising. 

The thought of speaking with someone can be daunting, but why prevent yourself from doing something that could revolutionise your everyday life and overall level of well-being and happiness.

Book recommendations 

The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris 

Atomic Habits by James Clear 

12 Rules for Life' on by Dr. Jordan Peterson 

Podcast recommendation

If you suffer from lonliness like myself then I highly recommend listening to and watching podcasts

The Joe Rogan Experience 

I usually watch these free on YouTube 

The Ben Shapiro Show 

Russell Brand and many others van be found online and streaming. 

Psychologists recommendations online 

Dr. Jordan Peterson 

Teal Swan


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