Baylor Researchers Explore Effect of Instagram, TikTok on Psychological Well-being

Online at Extract of article " The study surveyed 420 U.S. adults to investigate the flow states experienced when using Instagram and TikTok and whether these flow states differentially impact well-being. A flow state is achieved when people are so engrossed in an activity that little else seems to matter to them and they will often continue the activity despite its negative consequences. Key findings There are 5 flow dimensions: Focused Attention (immersion while using social media) Enjoyment (fun experienced while using social media) Curiosity (the desire to keep up with what’s happening on a social media site) Telepresence (immersion in a world created by the social media experience Time Distortion (losing a sense of time while on social media) The study determined that telepresence is the key component of flow that drives problematic socia...